Our website is not quite ready yet, but we're ready to help you.

Turnkey Systems

No idea where to start? Just want a great value MEP system? Let us provide you with a full system of components and equipment which has already been selected to work together flawlessly.


Don’t feel like you are getting completely trustworthy advice? We are happy to offer our advice and services on all MEP systems and designs, not just our own turnkey solutions.


Know exactly what you want? Trust us to install to your exacting specifications. Perfect for consultants tired of their ambitious solutions being diluted by the time of installation.

About us

We are a small group of MEP professionals frustrated that we’ve been unable to impact projects to the fullest of our abilities within traditional roles / procurement routes.


We have experience in consultancy, contracting and manufacturing which we are bringing together to ensure our clients get the very best MEP solutions to suit their budget.

Talk to us

Have any questions? Have any suggestions? We’d love to hear how we can help your business and your projects. We’d also love to hear your thoughts and experiences with MEP and how you think they could be improved.